Free Pregnancy & Post Pregnancy
Mental Health Resources
Signs of Postpartum Depression
Change in appetite, motivation and concentration
Feelings of guilt, helplessness and hopelessness
Irritable, angry, rageful
Low self‐care. and/or Lack of interest in the baby
Intrusive or scary thoughts; thoughts of harming self or baby
Over 800,000 U.S.women are impacted each year
75% of individuals do not receive treatment
Support someone that you know
may be impacted
Counselors & Support Groups
Emergency Mental Health Counselor
24/7 (English)
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Call or Text 988
Emergency Mental Health Counselor
24/7 (Spanish)
Línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis
Mental Health Counselor
Non-Emergency 24/7 (English & Spanish)
National Maternal Mental Health Hotline
1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262)
Confidential Hotline for Pregnant and New Moms
Support Groups (Build Community)
Groups for mood disorders, birth trauma, pregnancy loss, black moms, Nicu and more.
Addiction Services & Support
New York State Office of Addiction Services Pregnant & Parenting Treatment and Support